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4 Secrets To Convert Your Potential Clients Through Email Campaigning!

The biggest fails here are those which arrive at the receivers inbox as unintentional spam.

As the world progresses further and further into the digital revolution, it’s very important to know the ethics surrounding certain online practises. It just happens that these ethics also form the basis of a successful email campaign, which play a key role in your business’s digital strategy.

1. You need to send regular emails

The clients in your email database are important to your business, so it’s important to touch base with them on a regular basis.

However, it’s important to get the frequency at which you send your emails just right, and the key here is to know the balance that your audience will tolerate.

How often you send mail-outs should depend on your type of business. Emailing your database a couple times a week would be suitable for a retail store with lots of daily offers and discounts, whereas for professional services it would be better to send emails once a week, focusing on the valuable advice you can offer.

Sending your emails out at the right times will help your client base have your business top of mind, something extremely important in today’s day and age.

2. You need a catchy title/subject.

Title’s are the first thing that people read when they open their inbox. If your title doesn’t grab the eyes of your reader within those crucial three seconds, you might as well take the day off and play golf. (Or work on your writing skills)

Use puns, metaphors and onomatopoeia’s. Don’t know what they are? We all have a friend called Google.

Also, since “science” has shown that it’s not just kids who have an attention span of three seconds, your title works better when it’s short and direct.

3. You need to strategically plan your email content.

Content is king. Everyone’s heard of this.

Your conversion rates through your emails are largely determined by the value of the information you provide to your customers.

Ask yourself these questions when thinking creating valuable content:

  • What will your potential customers appreciate in relation to your business?
  • What is the type of information your potential customers are looking for?

For a professional services business, start with informative and valuable advice surrounding your industry, or outline the most common questions you have received from past clients.

Your content doesn’t have to be limited to words however. Try videos or other forms of media that are in most ways, more effective than a thick wall of text.

4. You need eye-catching designs.

Like your title, the design of your email is something else which your readers first see when they open your email.

Think about what will your potential clients want to see, and embed your brand essence into the design elements. Put your logo in a prominent position, use your brand colour and shapes accordingly so your potential clients could identify your business immediately.

Maccas has the iconic yellow and red colours that make it so easy to identify their brand (especially when an M is added), while a white half-bitten apple has become universally associated with the global tech giant, Apple.

Email marketing is certainly one of the most important digital marketing activities you can focus on to help your business grow. The reason is because you have the ability to reach so many potential clients (and existing ones) in a very small effort and cost.

In order to achieve results however, there is a lot of strategic thinking and planning involved; something which is extremely important and must be done right.

Our digital specialists with years of marketing experience will be able to advise and propose a digital marketing solution with supportive inbound strategies (including website development) and affordable outbound strategies (like retargeting ads). Find out which marketing strategy is suitable for your business!

Any questions?

Feel free to talk to one of our digital strategists today. We are more than happy to help! Contact us now.