Building a blog for your business will benefit you on so many levels, and here’s why.
Blogs give you a platform to provide relevant content to your customers, prospects and partners, plus the added benefit of presenting you as an expert in your field, which in turn will reflect positively on your brand. Think of it as free advertisement without the advertising, since the amplification is customer-driven on your behalf.
Know Your Audience
Write for your readers. Put yourself in their shoes and ask what topics would they like to know. For example, if your business targets startups and small business owners to help them with Digital Marketing Strategies, then choose topics relevant to launching a businesses, digital marketing, budgeting…etc.
Plan Your Content and Be Consistent
List 5 topic titles you wish you knew when you first launched your business, or trends important to your industry that you never had time to research, and set aside at least 2 hours a week between researching the Title and writing a blog about it (200-400 words max). You are not writing an essay, so make it short, informative and sweet.
A good note is to always begin with a good title; make it catchy, such as, “5 E-Commerce Trends you Need to Know ASAP!” since the words you use will factor in with the blog’s visibility in search engines as well. Finally, using images (use your own or Creative Commons), simple info-graphs and videos will boost your viewership potentials.
Content Platform
Ideally, you should have a “Blogs” section in your website that you regularly link to Social Media platforms; remember, all roads must lead to your website! Once you’ve got your own blog, you could easily and proudly share your blogs as a link in emails and social media platforms.
Always invite comments and regularly respond to them. Make sure you’re always civil and polite, especially with complaints, and specifically towards rude posts. Remember that your air of class and professionalism reflects on your business.
Are you ready to elevate your business to another level?
Feel free to talk to one of our digital strategists today. We are more than happy to help! Contact us now.