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From Start-up to Success in 12 months

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The Company

Export Connect is a fast growing export advisory company that offers its clientele extensive knowledge on exports and tailor-made strategies for growth initiatives. Businesses’ working in the export sector or looking to break into the industry can seek guidance in a number of areas from in-depth market analysis and feedback, personal introductions, and export workshops to B2B collaborative forums.

The Problem

Although Export Connect’s founder Najib Lawand had over 20 years of experience in the export industry, the decision to leave his executive position at a federal agency that helped businesses to export was a risky move. There is understandable trepidation of such a move, as building a business that generates enough income to meet family and other commitments usually takes a few years.

Najib Lawand image

Najib was also  unclear about the exact services he wanted to offer as he had so many ideas for his prospective clients. Najib also was aware of having to compete with much larger consulting firms to win business along with other individual consultants. These challenge are further amplified when you also unclear of how to set your goals or strategy to lead the way forward.

The Solution

On the recommendation from the Head of Innovation at one of the largest banks in Australia, Najib turned to Netstripes, the Digital Specialist Service provider of the Business Connect Program, to find a solution that would work for his business. Through their Digital Advisory Session, they were able to taper down all of Najib’s proposed service ideas to three distinct business models that would best meet and satisfy client demand.

They achieved this by working on a three step process:

  • Creating clear-cut goals for the company through in-depth analysis
  • Building a strategy to achieve business goals
  • Creating brand value that invokes a sense of trust and credibility

Through market research, consumer requirements and analysis, Netstripes was able to achieve a better understanding of the type of clients that Najib was looking for and created focused services that would offer the best value proposition to potential clients. This provided the foundation to build a dynamic strategy around the services.

They also optimised the business’s brand value, and designed a website to embody the brand essence and value proposition to enable the Export Connect to gain new clients and win businesses over with their credibility. Their strategy also involved reaching out to more businesses and building audiences on LinkedIn, as well as creating specialised educational events on exports to gather like-minded individuals.

Website Blog Export Connect Homepage S

Click here to see the Export Connect website

The Results

Netstripes efforts on behalf of the company were soon paying off. Export Connect has built a strong brand and business, and were soon booking new clients. Within the first 12 months of launching the new digital strategy and website, the business saw revenue increases that exceeded its financial goals. The business has since grown with 3 more additions to the team and several contractors who work part-time, and they are on track to further triple their revenue within the next 2 years.

Are you ready to elevate your business to another level?

Feel free to talk to one of our digital strategists today. We are more than happy to help!
Contact us now.