Dominate Your Budget: How to Use Negative Keywords in Google Ads

Mastering how to use negative keywords in Google Ads is a game-changer that can significantly improve your campaign performance. Negative keywords are specific terms or phrases you exclude from triggering your ads. Unlike regular keywords that prompt your ads to appear for relevant searches, negative keywords ensure your ads aren’t shown for irrelevant searches, saving […]

Stop Wasting Money on Google Ads: The Hidden Cost of Wrong Keyword Matches

Lessons learned auditing Google ad accounts in multiple industries Are you using Google Ads to promote your business? If so, understanding keyword match types is crucial. These settings can determine when your ads appear. Choose the right ones, and your ads will reach people ready to buy. This strategic approach can lead to significant success, […]

Arrest the Drain on Your Cashflow: Take Charge with a Digital Expenses Audit

Managing digital expenses effectively is crucial in today’s competitive business landscape, especially during economic downturns. Every aspect of your online presence, from domain names and website hosting to social media accounts, shapes your brand identity and engages your audience. To help business owners optimize these digital investments, Netstripes has developed the Audit of Digital Expenses. […]

AI Models: Introduction to Generative AI

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer for small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) entrepreneurs, reshaping our interaction with digital technology and opening up new realms of creativity, productivity and efficiency. Unlike traditional AI, which operates based on learned data, Generative AI takes it a step further, creating entirely new content with the complexity […]

Digital Success: The Ultimate Guide to Digital Trifecta Strategies for SMEs

It is not just digital transformation, a world-class digital presence, or your business’s digital identity; it is the ultimate strategy for SMEs’ success. In our world, where everything changes so fast and so much, standing out from your competitors in a digital crowd is now non-negotiable, especially if your business is to stay relevant. As […]

The Coolest Tech From CES 2024

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2024) recently occurred in Las Vegas, attracting a crowd of over 130,000 tech workers, business owners, and early adopters to witness the latest gadgets. This year’s event showcased futuristic technology, some of which could certainly make a positive impact for small to medium business owners in the future. We […]

The Cost of Website Downtime

Your website is frequently the first interaction a potential client has with your brand online. However, if your website is lagging or unreachable, you might be losing crucial opportunities for expansion. Website downtime, in simple terms, is when your site is inaccessible for various reasons that can range from server complications, software bugs, or even […]

Digital Trends to Watch in 2024

As we edge closer to 2024, the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly. This imminent year will bring new technologies and trends shaping how we communicate, work, and live. Here’s a look at some of the most significant digital trends to watch in the upcoming year. 1. Artificial Intelligence (Ai) The evolution and integration of […]

Protecting Your Business From Identity Theft

As more businesses go online, the threat of identity theft is more significant than ever, with small and medium businesses increasingly becoming targets. Identity theft involves unauthorised access and fraudulent use of personal or business information that can result in financial losses and tarnish your reputation. . This comprehensive guide, updated with the latest research […]